Thank you for your interest in supporting Theatria! Our server thrives because of dedicated players like you. Here are various ways you can help us grow and keep our community vibrant, whether you can contribute financially or not.
Your donations help us maintain and improve the server. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. You can purchase through our tebex shop.
Know someone who loves Minecraft? Invite them to join Theatria! More players mean more fun and a stronger community.
Help us get the word out offline by printing and distributing Theatria business cards. Leave them at local game stores, libraries, or give them to friends.
Share your thoughts and suggestions on how we can improve Theatria. Your feedback is invaluable and helps us create the best experience for everyone.
Use your social media platforms to talk about Theatria. Share your in-game achievements, post screenshots, and tell your followers why you love our server.
If you’re a content creator, consider making videos, streams, or blog posts about Theatria. Your content can inspire others to join and explore our server.
No matter how you choose to support us, know that your efforts are greatly appreciated. Together, we can make Theatria a fantastic place for everyone. Thank you for being a part of our community!